


A 计算机科学博士 from esball国际平台客户端 can help you become a lead researcher in academia, 政府机构, 科技行业和其他新兴行业. 成为人工智能方面的专家, 网络安全, 虚拟现实, 量子计算和其他计算领域的创新发展. Devote your studies to developing original, innovative research that can propel the field forward. This is the opportunity to make an impact on society through computer technology. 课程可以在我们的波茨坦校区或在线完成.


被认为是 最好的计算机科学esball国际app课程 通过U.S. esball国际app & 世界报道, our curriculum is rigorous, interdisciplinary and portfolio-centered. 在esball国际平台客户端, 你将有机会使用最先进的设施和一个雄心勃勃的同行社区,这将帮助你的研究达到新的水平.

该项目是由 电气与计算机工程系计算机科学系. 我们这个小系是学院制的, and we encourage collaboration among peers who might have different academic backgrounds. Our faculty mentors will offer personalized guidance as you dig deeper into your area of focus.

The departments have a particular strength in the general area of artificial intelligence, 包括自动推理, 计算机视觉, 机器学习, 虚拟现实, 机器人, 人机交互和人工智能的社会影响. 其他专业领域包括网络安全, 虚拟化, 自然语言处理, 人机交互, 量子计算和计算复杂性.

通过我们的企业伙伴关系, esball国际平台客户端建立了强大的行业联系, 这有助于为我们的学生打开就业机会的大门. Our program is also well-regarded in academia and by other 研究中心. 


The program consists of a minimum of 90 credit hours earned from graduate courses. 学时分配如下:

  • 36 credit hours of classroom and instructional laboratory coursework.
  • 四门基础课程.
  •  四门研究型课程.
  • 每组一门课程:
    • A组-理论与算法.
    • B组-计算机系统和网络.
    • C组-语言及软件开发.
    • D组-人工智能及其应用.
  • 选修课程36学时.

您还将参加六个学期的研讨会课程,并准备一个由研究兴趣和代表工作的书面声明组成的投资组合,以推进候选资格. Once this has been approved, you will complete your degree with a dissertation and defense.


  • A minimum of 90 credit hours earned for graduate courses numbered 500 and higher, 包括至少36学时的课堂和教学实验课程(高于大学要求的最低24学时)
  • 至少6学分的研究研讨会.
  • 如果硕士学位的成绩达到B或更高,最多30个学分的esball国际app转学分可以被接受为博士学位.
  • At least three full academic years of study beyond the baccalaureate degree.
  • 累积平均绩点3分.用于满足毕业要求的课程.
  • esball国际app必须在进入博士课程后的两年内完成全日制学习的博士候选人程序.
  • 博士候选人必须完成一个原创性的研究项目,以书面论文的形式提交,并在至少五名教师组成的委员会面前口头提交和批准. esball国际平台客户端学院至少有四名教员, 助理教授或以上级别, 并拥有博士学位. At least one committee member must be from a department other than the candidate’s major department. 委员会五名委员中,可由一名具有校外相应资格证书的外聘考官担任. 论文还必须由esball国际app院院长批准,并在大学图书馆存放一份副本.
  • All work for the PhD degree must be completed within seven years after admission to candidacy.



Students must complete a minimum of 36 credits of computer science-related coursework, 包括以下内容:

基金会. Students must take four required courses across three areas: CS541 (theory), CS547(理论), CS544(系统)和CS545(语言). 每门课程都需要达到B+或更高的成绩. 在其他机构学习过同等课程的学生和在esball国际平台客户端课程中没有获得B+的学生可以参加笔试. 学生在其他院校修过同等课程,考试成绩达到B+或以上的,可以更换相应课程.

研究型课程. Students must also complete a minimum of four 3-credit research-oriented 600-level CS courses. 研究型课程包括大量的研究文献综述和研究项目/演示部分. The Computer Science PhD Committee will maintain a list of acceptable research-oriented courses. 600级计算机科学指导学习课程只有在满足与常规600级计算机科学课程相同的标准,并包括大量研究文献综述和研究项目/演示部分时,才能获得计算机科学博士委员会的许可. A grade of B+ or higher is required in two 600-level CS courses in order to advance to candidacy, 其中一门必须是600级的研究型课程.

宽度要求. 在基础课程中列出的四门必修课程之外, students must take one course from each of the following four groups. Courses used to satisfy this breadth requirement may also be used to satisfy the research requirements. 具体的课程列表可能会改变, and students may petition the Computer Science PhD Committee to accept additional courses, 包括系外课程, 在这些组中:

  • A组(理论与算法):542、546、549、556、642、656
  • Group B (computer systems and networks): 553, 555, 557, 563, 644, 654
  • Group C (languages and software development): 543, 550, 558, 560, 658
  • Group D (artificial intelligence and applications): 551, 552, 559, 561, 562, 659

选修课. Students must take additional courses as necessary to reach 36 course credits. 学生每学期至少要修一门计算机科学或相关领域的esball国际app课程,以便参加计算机科学博士课程. 这一要求可以在与学生的导师协商后放弃,或者如果计算机科学博士委员会决定专注于完成论文工作符合学生的最佳利益.

研讨会. 学生必须在至少六个学期的博士课程中参加CS707或708计算机科学系列研讨会(1学分). Participation is recommended during each semester in residence in the PhD program.

候选资格. The doctoral candidacy procedure for the computer science program is portfolio-based.

在成为候选人之前, 学生必须完成四门必修课程(CS541), CS547, CS544和CS545)以及600级CS课程中的两门, 其中至少有一门必须是研究型课程. 每门课程的成绩必须达到B+或更高.

学生准备一份作品集,包括研究兴趣的书面陈述和课程和研讨会的代表作品.g.、考试、研究论文、演示材料). Student appear before the Computer Science PhD Committee for an oral defense of their portfolio. 这个口头答辩和作品集考试构成了计算机科学候选资格的综合考试.

获得候选人资格, 学生还必须选择一位相信他们准备在双方都能接受的专业领域开始原创性研究的指导老师.


论文的建议. 学生必须写一篇论文提案概述他们的研究计划和讨论相关工作,并在论文委员会之前的口头考试中捍卫这一提案.

除了大学要求之外, at least three members of the committee must be from the 计算机科学系.


论文答辩. 完成博士课程的最后一步是提交书面论文与口头论文答辩.

候选人通常会在校园活动中进行50分钟的论文口头陈述,然后进行至少10分钟的公开提问. 公开会议结束后, 候选人和他们的五人论文委员会将在闭门会议上聚集在一起,讨论最后的问题和论文的更正. Candidates will be then asked to leave the room for a final vote of approval. 批准后, candidates must complete the requested corrections to the written thesis and obtain final signatures. 候选人必须在公开辩护前至少四个星期向所有五位论文委员会成员提供论文副本.

The thesis committee for the final defense is the same as that for the proposal defense. Any changes must be approved by the Computer Science PhD Committee in advance of the final defense.

Solving real-world problems based on cutting-edge research is at the core of what we do. 我们的18 研究中心和实验室 包括 生物医学信号分析实验室, esball国际平台客户端复杂系统科学中心,和 智能电力系统与控制实验室. 我们还有380多个工业合作伙伴, 政府机构, 商会和研究机构也为esball国际app提供了大量继续从事重要工作的机会.


我们的教师被公认为各自领域的领导者,并在前沿项目的掌舵人. They collaborate closely with each other to provide innovative solutions for complex problems. Our faculty members also value the talents of students and serve as active and engaged mentors.



  • 网上申请表格.
  • 的简历.
  • 目的陈述书.
  • 三封推荐信.
  • 官方成绩单.
  • GRE考试成绩.
    • 要求. 豁免将被考虑.
  • For international applicants, an English proficiency test is required.
    • 最低考试成绩要求:托福(80分)和托福基础(8分).5)、雅思(6).5) PTE(56分)或Duolingo英语测试(115分).
    • The English language-testing requirement is not waived based on language of instruction, 我们也不接受大学证书. English testing is waived if an applicant has a degree from a country where English is the Native Language. 点击这里 看看这些国家的名单.

先决条件: A BS or equivalent degree in computer science or another closely related subject. Admission to the computer science program depends upon the Computer Science Graduate Committee's approval.

PhD applicants are eligible for fully funded research or teaching assistantships. They may also receive merit-based scholarships that cover part of their tuition.


Computer science professionals are in high demand and will continue to be for quite some time. 根据美国.S. 劳工统计局, job prospects in the field are expected to grow much faster than average in the next decade. 拥有博士学位, you will have the intensive research background that is required for academia, 研究中心, 在科技行业担任领导职务和其他机会.


  • 计算机网络架构师
  • 计算机研究科学家
  • 计算机科学讲师
  • 计算机系统工程师
  • 计算机科学教授或助理教授


  • 空军部门
  • LMI技术



电子邮件: graduate@9osm.com
电话: 518-631-9831

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了解更多esball国际平台客户端 计算机科学系.



esball国际平台客户端的泰斯卡尔全传感研究工作室(TARS)是一个专注于人类驱动的人工智能的研究中心, using capture and analysis of dense multi-person interactions in online and real-world environments. 每年,他们都会招募esball国际app加入团队.


Become an expert in your field with a 计算机科学博士 from Clarkson. 迈出下一步.